Tuesday, June 2, 2009

ECPN Presents Poster at AIC Annual Meeting

Thanks to everyone who participated in creating our poster for this year's AIC Annual Meeting. The poster got a lot of attention during the author session, and there was great interest in the mentorship program based on the comments we received. Poster contributors included Rachel Penniman, Amber Kerr-Allison, Anne Simon, Steven Pickman, Jason Church, and Nicky DeFreece Emery. Special thanks go to Jessie Johnson and Nancy Odegaard for providing photos of themselves as emerging and emerged conservators!

1 comment:

jchurch said...

Thank you, Nicky the poster was great. I talked to a lot of people who had never hear of ECPN before the poster. Any plans to try and present it at other conferences. I feel it would be well received at the APT annual conference. Maybe it could travel with the AIC booth to trade shows?