Monday, July 27, 2009

Minutes 7/16/09 ECPN Call

ECPN Call 07/16/09

Jason Church
Ruth Seyler
Ryan Winfield
Amber Kerr
Ann Simon
Rachel Penniman
Katie Mullen
Karen Pavelka

I Welcome

II. Project Updates

a. Communications

i. Blogging/calendar –
After looking at Google calendaring and 30 Boxes, we’ll go with 30 boxes. It’s easy to add an email to a scheduled event to send out reminders and it can be embedded in the blog. Katie will work on an email calling for posts – like call for papers. Amber will pass it on to her program contents and Katie will post it to the Distlist, the Ning site, the blog and Ryan will send it to the ECPN email list. Rachel, Katie and Jason all have contacts who are already interested in posting and will pass on the message to them. Suggested topics will be included, such as perspectives on one’s specialty, ongoing projects, disaster planning, implementing preventative measures. Guest bloggers (outside AIC) are welcome!

ii. Website search/ connecting to ECPN page
RP pointed out that when searching on the new AIC website for “emerging conservator” ECPN does not show up, but searching on “emerging conservation” does pull up the group. Ryan will add the word “conservator” to the ECPN page to fix this.

b. Outreach

i. Angels Project (CAP Assessment, other contacts)

ii. Site Visit

Ruth is preparing for a site visit to Milwaukee at the end of the month and is working through contacts there to identify a possible site for the 2010 Angels project. Ann is also speaking to contacts in Milwaukee. Ruth will have more information after her site visit!

c. Professional Development/Training

i. News
Amber Kerr is compiling a list of program contacts. There is a delay hearing back from Buffalo, Queens and the Strauss Center because of the summer break. Amber will begin to compile contacts outside of Anagpic and also internationally.
Jerry Podany has asked ECPN members to submit poster for the next IIC meeting in Istanbul. More will be forthcoming about this.

ii. Pre-program Internship Guidance
A brochure is in the works along the lines of “Top 10 things to know about pre-program internships.” It is also suggested that we do the reverse, and ask conservators what they expect from these students going forward. We’ll use the Ning forum to gather initial information from ECPN’ers regarding pre-program and internship experiences, then build a survey based on this to engage the experience of our network. Once this and the changes (see below) to “Find a Conservator” are complete, Amber and Ryan will work on a brochure to send out to undergraduate departments across the country that may have students who are interested in pursuing conservation.

iii. Changes to Find a Conservator
Ryan Winfield is working on changing the “Find a Conservator” tool on the AIC website to allow users to search for conservators who will take pre-program and internship students.

d. Mentoring

i. Matching of mentors and mentees

ii. Online Application Form
Ryan is running into some bugs setting up the online form. While these are being worked out, he will scan the mentee/mentor application forma and email them to Ann and Angie Elliot. There are about 15 total responses so far. We’ll also ask participants going forward if they are willing to blog about the experience.

III. New Business/ Open Discussion

IV. Setting of next call and adjournment
Next call will be August 20, 1 PM. This conflicts with an AIC board meeting, so the call will be held in the absences of Ruth Seyler and Karen Pavelka

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